Hi guys! Have you ever felt stuck on learning CorelDraw? You tried to read a tutorial but you didn’t really understand it? Now I bring you to this tutorial. This tutorial includes many function in CorelDraw such as Bezier, Shape Tool, Transparency, Interactive Fill Tool, Weld, Back Minus Front, working with nodes, Powerclip, curves, Align and Distribute, Text, and wow you started to get surprised. But don’t worry this won’t be difficult as I’ll explain it clearly, I hope.
Here I used
CorelDraw X4. But any versions won’t matter.
Now open
your software and press Ctrl+N! You don’t have to control the page.
Let’s start
with the first step!
1. Using Bezier
On the Toolbox row, find an icon as in the picture, then a click on the
black triangle below it. Click Bezier!
2. Make nodes
Here’s the steps:
a. One click on a random place. Just
release it, no dragging!
b. One click again in another place
c. One click again until you see that
shape. Place the last node on the first node then you’ll make a covered shape
d. Click Pick Tool. You will need to
click this every time you done making a shape
3. Convert to curves
Hey, that’s just a straight line, we need a curve! Don’t worry I’ll show
Click the other node, not the start point. It means that you will change
a line from start point to the next node into curve.
Right then click Shape Tool. Then click Convert Line To Curve.
You’ll see this. Then click another node as the other start point, then
choose the other node to be the end node. We’ll choose this line.
Click again Shape Tool then Convert Line To Curve. You’ll see that
Click and drag the red-rounded arrows into different directions to make
curve like we need. Do it to another line.
You will see how messy that shape. So you need to make it. Every node
there is controllable.
I needed a little bit longer time to do this process because I need to
make shape like this.
If you have done, click again Pick Tool.
4. Make another shape
The shape we’ve made is not the final shape. We need to add more. Here we
need an ellipse. Click on a round icon in the Toolbox.
Then draw an ellipse on a random place.
Click Pick Tool. Make a square to crop the ellipse. Click Rectangle Tool.
Place it as it crops the ellipse right at the centre. You’ll see this.
Click again Pick Tool. Now hold shift as you click the ellipse. It
means that the rectangle will matter to the ellipse.
Click Back Minus Front right then.
You’ll see this.
Click and drag the final shape to the previous shape like this picture.
Hold shift then click the previous shape. Right then click Weld.
You’ll see this.
Now make it double. We’re gonna work it one by one.
Pick a random shape you want. Colour it with black. Double click the small box
on the bottom page at the right side.
You’ll see the dialog box like this. Then click the red-rounded point to
make it the most black. Click OK!
We’re gonna use this shape as the shadow to the front shape. We need to make it like a shadow. I’m not gonna think hard to make that, so we’ll use Transparency Tool.
You’ll see two box with a dotted line between. Drag it somewhere to make
the shadow as we want.
Huh, it’s exhausting, right?
We move to the second identic shape. Colour it. Here we need a little
bit more complicated colour. Click the black triangle between the fill icons on
the Toolbox, then choose Fountain Fill.
The type is already linear. So we have to set the others. Follow this
After you click Other, you’ll see the dialog.
If you want to make the exact same colour with me, type 27 on C, 27 on M
and as you can see on the Components. We’re using CMYK colour. Click OK!
We go to the second colour. Do the same step.
Now click Custom.
You will see nothing on the area around the red-rounded point until you
double click it. Now drag it left. We’re gonna make colour play. Make the other
flipped black triangle above the darker colour and drag right.
Now I have three! You can make more. Apply it on the shape, click
Interactive Fill Tool.
You’ll see
this picture. Every box carrying its colour is movable.
Click Pick Tool when you’ve done.
Well it looks bad. How about we make the outline disappear? Click twice outline box on the right bottom side.
Click the red round, choose None then OK!
Fiuuh..! But wait, can you see the texture on the final logo?
Download a texture like this. Or download here.
Open again your work and click File-->Import. Import the texture.
Now click Edit-->PowerclipàPlace inside container. Follow the
big black arrow appears and point it to the silver shape we just made. It’s
invisible here.
Make the texture bigger than the shape.
Now we go to transparency again. Click transparency on Toolbox row then set to Uniform on the dialog above.
Now we go to transparency again. Click transparency on Toolbox row then set to Uniform on the dialog above.
Set the opacity to 87%
When you’ve done, click Pick toll again. Then right click on the object,
choose Finish Editing This Level.
Now move the object above its shadow, it’s the previous shape. If you
follow my step correctly, this object will be automatically placed above the
Right click then choose Group. You can also press Ctrl+G next time.
Now we’re gonna make the text below it. Click Text Tool.
Place it below.
Set the font into Cooperate Gothic Light. You can use another font.
We don’t have to set the size because it can be done with Pick Tool.
Type any words. Here I set the colour to the most black.
The text seems very usual, right? How if I add something on the corner,
or make the H letter odder. We can modify it by showing its nodes. Click Ctrl+Q
first, then Shape Tool.
Seems like you can’t see the nodes clearly. Zoom it to 400%.
Click the node you like. Drag it somewhere without convert it to curve,
or change it into curve, it’s up to you. But I just drag the node I like to
make it strange.
I continue to modify other nodes until I get the shape I like.
Well done! Click Pick Tool again and change the Zoom level to 100%. Al
so group the text with the logo. Hold shift, click the text and the logo, then press Ctrl+G. Now let’s make a rectangle around the logo. Click Rectangle Tool on the Toolbox.
so group the text with the logo. Hold shift, click the text and the logo, then press Ctrl+G. Now let’s make a rectangle around the logo. Click Rectangle Tool on the Toolbox.
But our logo is not exactly in the centre of the box. Click the content,
hold shift and click the box, release shift. Press C and E right then. C and E
are the shortcut to Align Centre Vertically and Horizontally, as you can see
the picture below.
We’ve done!
Now save your logo. You can also open it as jpg file with Export
function. Click FileàExport.
Congratulation if you did it correctly! But if you still stuck and can’t
finish it, leave this tutorial and make your own way!
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